Clinica Forma: Discover the new aesthetic and breast prevention medical treatments with experts in the field

Milan, 11 March 2024.

FŌRMA Clinic, based in via Cagnola, 3 in Milan – Arco della Pace, hosted the exclusive event dedicated to the female world, “Ben-essere Donna: Beauty and Health of the Breast at 360 degrees”.
The day dealt with the topic of female health and beauty, offering a comprehensive approach ranging from prevention to the most innovative aspects of plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine.

The Senologo Surgeon Mara Costa and the plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons, Dr. Guido Cornegliani and Dr. Matteo Murolo have addressed together, with distinct approaches, issues such as: the importance of prevention and regular control to prevent serious diseases, the fundamental role of plastic surgery in the psychophysical well-being of patients, and the latest innovations in aesthetic medicine treatments for breasts.

FŌRMA Clinic, pioneer in its slogan “Beauty, Health, Wellness”, once again emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach that combines aesthetics and functionality, ensuring not only the appearance but also the physical and psychological well-being of patients.

During the event, topics such as post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, correction of common conditions such as tuberous breast, asymmetries, postpregnancy emptying or weight loss, and loss of tone due to aging were discussed. It has been given importance in the choice of safe and certified treatments, warning against unapproved practices such as breast augmentation through infiltration, presenting safe and innovative alternatives such as radiofrequency and specific skin treatments.

Dr. Guido Cornegliani and Dr. Matteo Murolo noted the risk brought by social media in the management of the female image, stressing that often the figure of the plastic surgeon is seen as a ‘ beauty seller’, without taking into account the medical role played.

This Open Day was a unique opportunity to deepen the knowledge on women’s well-being, understanding the importance of prevention, to discover the latest in surgery.


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