Sky Inclusion Days, “diversity makes us unique”.

Milan, 20th May, 2024.

The second edition of Sky inclusion days, “diversity makes us unique” has ended.  Over 10 hours live and more than 60 guests of the world of entertainment, sport, science and culture to reflect together on the themes of inclusion and diversity.

A day of meetings, testimonials and performance, which was held at National Museum of Science and Technology. An event dedicated to diversity and inclusion as a force that generates a sense of belonging and creates in people the conditions to seek their happiness.
The event explored the most urgent challenges of our society: from gender equality to the rights of LGBTQ+ people, from the conditions of prisoners in prisons to disability, from ethnic background to digital inclusion and language, from artificial intelligence to sports values. Thanks to the collaboration with National Museum of Science and Technology, the event took place in a prestigious setting, also under the patronage of: Comune di Milano, Consolato Generale Americano, Camera di Commercio Americana, British Chamber of Commerce.
Many guests participated in the world of entertainment, sport, science and culture as Andrea Abodi, Barbara Alberti, Franco Baresi, Federica Lisi Bovolenta, Marcello Cesena, Claudio Domenicali, Chiara Francini, Dalia Gaberscik, Chiara Gamberale, Giorgio Gherarducci and Marco Santin of the Gialappa’s Band, Nathan Kiboba, Alessandro Ossola, Flavia Pennetta, Rosy Russo, Vittoria Schisano, Jenni Serpi, Pablo Trincia, Francesca Vecchioni, Yoko Yamada and Javier Zanetti.

The day ended with a suggestive performance by Achille Lauro, with the execution of the very successful songs Bam bam twist and Marilú.
Sarah Varetto, Executive Vice President Communications, Inclusion & Bigger Picture of Sky Italia, said: “At Sky we have always been committed to promoting a workplace and an increasingly inclusive society. This is why the Sky Inclusion Days – now a fixed appointment – were born, which this year also told these themes in an original way. Thanks to the testimonies of many people who every day fight against prejudice and win their battle, we can acquire more awareness and new tools to understand and value diversity in our daily lives”.


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